The tongue comes up a little bit in the back, and the tip of the tongue comes forward, oh, and is extremely lightly touching the soft part of the mouth underneath the front teeth, right here. 舌根稍稍向上抬起,舌尖朝前伸,轻轻触碰门牙下侧的柔软处。
To make this sound, the jaw drops just a bit and the tongue rests in the bottom of the mouth with the tip of the tongue touching the bottom teeth in the back. 发这个音时,下巴只需略微下移,舌头放在口腔下部,舌尖轻触下排牙齿的后面。
Kanda repressed his laughter and started to swirl his tongue around the tip. 神田忍住笑,用舌头在亚连分身的顶端画圈。
Is it possible for whatever portion of the tongue that the student uses to only touch the tip of the reed? 请问有可能让学生不管用多大面积的舌头,但只打到哨片端部吗?
Soften the jaw from the chin to the hinges and the tongue from the tip to the root. 从下巴开始软化下颌骨直到颞颌关节,从舌尖到舌根也松软下来。
It is pronounced by turning up the tongue tip close to the hard palate to make a narrow passage through which the air escapes with friction. 舌尖向上翘起,接近硬腭,形成一条狭缝使气流摩擦而出。
The various parts of the tongue: the tip, the front, the blade, and the back; 舌的多种不同部位:舌尖,舌前,舌面,舌根;
After a moment, the slurp's tongue tip appeared in the opening again and waved gently around, ready for somebody else of the right size to come within reach. 过了一会儿,啜食者的舌头又从进食口冒了出来,缓缓得四处扭动,等待着其它大小合适猎物的出现。
Tongue ( palatal) tip odontoclasis is more than buccal tip. 牙折累及舌(腭)尖高于颊尖。
Relationship Between Tongue tip Microcirculation& TCM Syndrome Treatment in Chronic Gastritis 慢性胃炎舌微循环与证治关系研究
Methods: Tongue inspection of Patients with precancerous CAG were carried out including tongue proper, tongue coating, tongue shape, sublingual vena, tongue tip microcirculation, tongue coating smear, PH value of tongue surface and CEA inspection of saliva. 方法对萎缩性胃炎癌前病变患者从舌质、舌苔、舌形、舌下络脉、舌尖微循环、舌苔涂片、舌面pH值、唾液CEA检测等多方面进行对照观察与研究。
Results: These tongue flaps were alive in I stage except one case developed partial necrosis in the tip of the flap. 结果:26例患者除1例术后瓣尖出现部分坏死外,全部Ⅰ期成活。
Objective: To find out the reasons why tongue cancer most likely occurs at the margin and tip of tongue. 目的:分析舌癌好发于舌缘、舌尖的原因。
Conclusion: Our study suggests that chronic pessimal stimulation to tongue by unhealthy teeth and bad dentures is an important related reason why tongue cancer most likely occurs at the tip and margin of tongue. 结论:病患牙及不良修复体对舌的长期慢性不良刺激是舌癌好发于舌缘舌尖部的重要相关因素。
There was a marked positive correlation between eosinophil percentage and the condition of the tongue proper, such as prickliness, flawing and red tip ( P < 0.01); E%与舌芒剌、裂纹、舌尖红成极显著正相关(P<0.01);
On Relationship between Microcirculation of Lip's Mucosa and Tongue Tip on one hand and Stomachache with Blood Stasis on the other 唇、舌微循环变化与胃脘痛血瘀证关系之初探
The double point threshold of tongue tip is the smallest ( 1.07 ± 0.41mm) and that of buccal mucosa is the largest ( 6,67 ± 3.01mm); 两点识别阈值以舌尖(1.07±0.41mm)最小,颊粘膜(6,67±3.01mm)最大;
Added macrocephalic capillary Ioops were observed in the tongue tip microcirculation with extension and blood stasis, obvious effusion, dark red blood and abnormal bloodflow pattern on their tops. 舌尖微循环观察畸形毛细血管襻增加,襻顶扩张瘀血,渗出明显,血色暗红,血液流态异常;
Methods: Microcirculations of the tongue tip, which represented the macroscopical normal tongue manifestation, were observed under an optical microscope in patients with primary liver cancer and healthy adults. Exfoliated cells from tongue coating were examined by hematoxylin-eosin staining. 方法:运用舌尖微循环检查及舌苔脱落细胞染色法,对原发性肝癌患者和健康人中的正常舌象进行对比研究。
Using palate flap with nasopalatine blood vessel pedicle to repair the defect of tongue tip 应用鼻腭血管蒂腭瓣修复舌尖缺损